Friday? I guess so

Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 6/14/12 9:04 pm - Green Valley, AZ
Hi all,
   this is my second attempt to post. Wouldn't process.
   I'm awake after 3 hours sleep, but still feeling drugged. New pet sitting client with 2 basset hounds for end of July. Also a repeat client for end of August. Pampered Chef picking up. New cooking show for mid-July on the books.

   Everyone have a good and restful day.   Hugs,   Mag  
on 6/14/12 10:21 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
Yep, Friday all right.
Mag, I'm so glad you are getting your pet sitting business off to a good start. Summer should keep you very busy. I hope your Pampered Chef business skyrockets.
Our grandson and his girlfriend have decided to stay one more day. They were gonna leave today. D has to be back to work on Sunday. It's a 12 hour trip. So he won't have a day to 'decompress' before he has to go back to work. Heck, he's young, he can handle it.
This morning I'm gonna make some freezer jam. Also, I wanna finish the baby sandals I am crochetting.
Yesterday I organized my freezer and pantry and then had my DIL come over and 'shop' from it. I bought a lot of stuff that the grandson wanted when he was visiting. Stuff he never ate. Then I buy stuff planning on using it in a recipe, and forgot the recipe. Or get stuff for a diet I get bored with. Bunches of Girl Scout cookies and other stuff I planned on our daughter and her kids eating when they came this summer. Now they won't be coming. Soooo, she took 7 bags of groceries out of here. It' a win win situation.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Patricia R.
on 6/15/12 12:11 am - Perry, MI
Good Morning Mag and OFF Family,
I have some tidying up to do around here.  My nephew was here yesterday and helped me do some yardwork.  I now need to add to that and cut my grass and weed wack.  

A friend from church is coming over to use my Internet.  She is trying to get on her feet financially, and needs to do work related stuff.  

I have to get to an AA meeting sometime today.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 6/15/12 2:26 am - Cibolo, TX
Good morning Mag and all my OFF sistas!

Just a quick fly by this morning.  Oh, my days are so full these days.  Seems I run after Benny all day long and half the night.  By the time I get on OFF in the evenings, it just feels too late to post.  But I read everyone's post every day and keep up with all my sweet sistas!

I'm knee deep in trying to get my address and phone numbers and stuff changed over to this new address.  Lordy!  I have so many bills and other things to update.  It's crazy.

I've got a hearing scheduled for the tax appraisal board in a couple of weeks to see if I can get our prop taxes reduced here.  As always, lake property is highly inflated, but geez, we're not actually ON the lake!  We have a VIEW of the lake, but that's it.  Anyway, I'm going to go down there and try to get a reduction.  Wish me luck.

Realtor says he's showed our house once and that showing "didn't go anywhere".  I guess that means they didn't like it.  But he's had another buyer contact him after driving by our house.  Says he thinks he will be showing it to the new guy, but nothing definite set up yet.  Sigh.  I just want it to sell this summer, you know?  Prayers, please!

Benny and I are going to the Farmers Market in the morning.  I'm looking forward to it.  Mornings here are still fairly tolerable, although it heats up quickly.  I want to see what they have down there, even though I'm too broke right now to buy much of anything.  Chris wants us to go to a watermelon festival the following weekend.  We'll see . . . not much fun to go if you have no $$$ to spend.

Well, my computer time is short, as always.  I love you all and say prayers for those who need them.  Just have to tell Judy a special "love you" and I'm sorry you had such a rotten day yesterday!  Between your ex-FIL and Rick's grandson, you had a heck of a bad day.  Hope today is better.

Have a great weekend!


Jo W.
on 6/15/12 3:02 am - Owosso, MI
Hello Off friends from Owosso
Just a runby  to wish everyone a great day  and a funfilled weekend!    NO Internet at our house as they keep adding a bunch of junk to our service I don't order and cant afford and don't use so we are arguing  about it so wont pay till they subtract it!      prayers going up for all who need them!  
on 6/15/12 4:03 am - Bradenton, FL
 Im trying how to burn pictures on a CD and I cant figure out how to!!!!! Im going to go to Wolf camera to seeif they can teach me how to. 
I also have a flash drive and I need to learn that too.
I told Carl that we were going to be gone for fthree weeks when he got to Denver!!!! All I got was silence!!!!! I told him to stop the mail for three weeks. He said whet if you have to go to the unemployemnt board after your extension? I said Ill deal with that if it happens.
I have my computer.
I told him I wanted to stay up north as long as I can cause it is hot in Florida!!!!!
Nothing new here except the fires are rampent here in Colorado. 
I am with my friend she is getting her cancer infusion. I dont understand why they are giving her a hard time with the insurnace portion of her part. She changed her Medicare and Medicaid Company and didnt tell them on June 1st and they didnt have the information before her treatment and wanted to abort her infusion after they started and wanted her to pay the 7,000.00 bill!!!!! The poor women cant pay that much and is on Medicar and Medicaid. She is medically Challenged with Cancer for god sakes let the women be!!!!!
I hate insurance!!!!! I hate Cancer and what it does to a person!!!!! I for one have had it and it made us financially difficult!!!!!
Ok Ill get off my soap box!!!!! other than that Im doing ok. Carla

image hosting site

Connie D.
on 6/15/12 5:05 am
Good afternoon Mag and everyone....

Had a busy morning again!!  Several errands to run. Now I have ME time!!

No real plans for the weekend. Just wait and see what pops up.
Wishing you all a good day. Prayers for those in need. Some very special prayers too!!

Love and hugs.....connie d
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